Silt Fence Installation Complete; Tree Trunk and Inlet Protection In Progress

Week in Review: Accomplishments and Progress

This past week, the contractor completed the installation of silt fencing across the entire project area, a crucial step in ensuring controlling sediment runoff. Additionally, the contractor began installing tree trunk protection, reflecting a commitment to preserving the natural landscape during construction activities.

Looking Ahead: Planned Activities

The upcoming week will see continued progress, with the contractor set to begin installing inlet and pipe protection around existing flared end sections. This work is essential for maintaining local waterways and minimizing the impact of construction runoff.

Community Impact: What to Expect

As construction continues, residents may experience possible lane closures, which could lead to temporary delays. Your patience and understanding are appreciated as work to improve the community’s infrastructure continues. Residents are encouraged to stay informed about the project’s progress and any anticipated changes in traffic patterns.

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